There are 16 voivodeships, 344 poviats and 2478 communes in Poland. Each administrative unit collects data on its residents and its territory. They cover various issues: how many men and women live in a given area, what is the fertility rate in particular regions, how many schools operate in a given area, but also how many people voted in the last elections or how many kilometres of new roads were built in a given period. The Klon / Jawor Association decided to create a tool to collect all publicly available data, compare it with each other and visualise the results.
The result is a portal for both amateurs and professionals. On the map of Poland you can see various types of statistical data. The same data can be generated in the form of charts (distribution, correlation, dynamics and ranking), collated with each other and traced back in time. Thanks to our work, a very complex and precise statistical mechanism has been presented in the form of friendly visualizations.